On April 14-16, 2025 our team will be at the 2025 Smart Cities Connect Spring Conference that will take place in San Antonio, TX
Frequently Asked Questions
Smart Parking Management System: 25 Things You Need to Know
- A parking space is a fixed asset, so it will never move. During installation, the geographical position of each parking space and its associated sensor are set automatically during commissioning through our installation application. Therefore, a GPS module is not necessary.
- In our opinion, the right installation method consists of scanning the sensor and then performing a complete test to confirm that everything is functional, and that the installer will not have to come back to check a badly installed sensor.
- A GPS module represents an additional cost to a project (physical cost and power consumption). It is also a component that can break.
- Having to wait for the GPS to acquire its coordinates once it is powered up can take time.
- GPS modules add continuous power consumption to the sensor.
- GPS modules are not suitable for indoor project installations.
Yes, the parking sensors communicate with gateways that connect to the Spatium Web Analysis Platform. The use of LoRaWAN also allows compatibility with sensors communicating on this standard that use other detection technologies or are already present on an existing project. It also allows the use of gateways and networks already deployed.
For communication, we use LoRaWAN, which allows secure, standardized and 256-bit AES-encrypted communications.
Yes, it is possible that the pole on which the gateway is installed gets hit by a truck, for example.
That’s why the Dimonoff system has multiple levels of safety and backup features that will keep your system up and running while a team goes to the site to repair or replace the gateway. In addition, all sensors in an adjacent area are transferred to a neighboring gateway in seconds and returned to the original gateway once the problem is resolved, all automatically. Besides avoiding failure points, this optimizes the quality of the network and the risk of lost messages.
Yes, our system works universally for any type of installation: wall, ceiling, and custom-made street furniture, all to cover indoor and outdoor environments.
In addition, for outdoor projects, we also offer camera detection, which can be already used on the project, to reduce deployment costs and optimize the project.
- If the sensor is powered by a Li-Ion battery then its life span is about 5 years, which can be extended by playing on the configuration of the sensors. Of course, the batteries are easily replaceable, the change is made in less than 1 minute.
- If the sensor is powered on 24V AC then no replacement is necessary.
- The standard LoRaWAN network is used by our MPS sensors to the M1 gateways. It ensures security, reliability and ease of integration with other existing or future technologies using this standard. It also allows the use of already deployed networks in order to control the costs of a project.
- The M1 gateways communicate with our Spatium platform using WiFi, LTE or Ethernet.
Parking conditions are determined by our learning algorithms that use data from our MPS sensors. The use of these algorithms guarantees 98% accuracy, even under special conditions such as special events or bad weather.
Each device is individually calibrated and tested at the factory during the quality control process.
Yes, the sensors include an LED information display to drivers located directly on the sensor. The colour of the LED can be selected from green (e.g., available), red (e.g., occupied or restricted), yellow (e.g., electric vehicle space) and blue (e.g., handicapped space). The LEDs can flash, remain fixed or be turned off as needed. The whole system is configurable by the sensor at any time and remotely.
Our system is also compatible with dynamic traffic signs to indicate the number of available spaces and their location from a greater distance.
Yes, thanks to LiDAR technology, our sensors also offer functionalities such as vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian counting.
However, these functionalities require a 24Vac continuous power supply.
Yes, we adapt to your needs and can be on-site to train your team.
Additional training and refresher courses can be provided via webinars and remote work sessions.
- urgent tickets in less than 30 min
- important tickets in less than 4 hours
- less important tickets in less than 24 hours
- All wirelessly transmitted data is encrypted with various encryption methods.
- The LoRaWAN standard we use is a secure protocol (128-bit and 256-bit encryption). All user data transmitted over the air is encrypted with various encryption methods.
- IP addresses (destination or source) are never transmitted “in the clear” (unencrypted) over the air, which reduces the risk of attacks on mobiles and servers.
- The MPS sensors each have a unique encrypted security key to authenticate themselves.
- Message packets are not transmitted in groups.
- Urgent tickets within 30 min
- Important tickets within 4 hours
- Less urgent tickets within 24 hours
The Spatium platform has been developed to support the integration of various parking management solutions (permits, payment, reservations, access, occupancy, etc.) in order to cross-reference the data to draw the best conclusions about behavior and optimize performance. In addition to the classic data visualization, it offers a report engine, allowing cross-referencing all these data to have performance comparisons between the zones of a parking lot, for example, and to reproduce an identified behavior that increases its performance.
The platform also integrates artificial intelligence algorithms that predict occupancy and revenues from as little as 5 minutes in advance, for example, to display availability data intelligently, up to several months in advance for planning purposes.